The T72 is digital and uses a microprocessor to regulate temperature, making it even more accurate than the T73. It also has a thicker base and slightly more wattage. The iron features an 12mm-thick aluminum base plate which is beveled on the sides and ramped in the back to make wax dispersion easier. The unique heating element is “printed” onto an insulated base plate, this ensures very even heating across the base and increased longevity. This element, combined with the “printed” element make this a hard iron to beat!
10 brake bands INCLUDED!
110°C to 170°C (230°F to 338°F) operating temperatures.
Temperature is displayed in Celsius.
The beveled base plate measures 4.25″ x 5.75″ (145mm x 105mm).
Base thickness is 12mm.
Cord length is 6 1/2 feet.
Electrical rating is 110 volts and 550 watts.
Back of iron includes wax melt temperature recommendations for Swix waxes.
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